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CC(C)(C)CBr Magnify C[O-].[Na+] Magnify
CC(C)(C)COC Magnify

DISFAVORED: No reaction! Primary alkyl halide, but extreme beta-branching (neo-pentyl group) is too stericly crowded for Sn2 and no beta-Hydrogens exist for E2

CC[C@@H](C)[C@@H](C)Br Magnify CC(C)(C)[O-].[Na+] Magnify
CC/C(=C/C)/C Magnify

Note: Stereospecific E2 requires proton and leaving group to be anti-periplanar

CC[C@@H](C)[C@H](C)Br Magnify CC(C)(C)[O-].[Na+] Magnify
CC/C(=C\C)/C Magnify

Note: Stereospecific E2 requires proton and leaving group to be anti-periplanar, even though this results in the largest substituents being cis to each other

CC[C@@H]1CCC[C@H]([C@H]1Br)C Magnify CC(C)(C)[O-].[Na+] Magnify
CC[C@@H]1CCCC(=C1)C Magnify

Note: Stereospecific E2 requires proton and leaving group to be anti-periplanar. Within ring system, this means they must assume a trans-diaxial conformation

CC[C@@H](C)[C@H](C)Br Magnify CO Magnify
CC/C(=C/C)/C Magnify

Note: E1 results in racemization, no stereospecificity. Always prefer the larger groups trans to each other
CCC(C)(CC)OC Magnify

Note: Sn1 competition. Note that a carbocation rearrangement (hydride shift) occured

CC[C@@H](C)[C@@H](C)Br Magnify CO Magnify
CC/C(=C/C)/C Magnify

Note: E1 results in racemization, no stereospecificity. Always prefer the larger groups trans to each other
CCC(C)(CC)OC Magnify

Note: Sn1 competition. Note that a carbocation rearrangement (hydride shift) occured

CCC(C)(C)Br Magnify C[O-].[Na+] Magnify
CC=C(C)C Magnify

Note: E2 elimination as usual, Zaitsev rule preference for more highly substituted alkene

CCC(C)(C)Br Magnify CC(C)(C)[O-].[Na+] Magnify
CCC(=C)C Magnify

Caution: Bulky base AND bulky alkyl halide. Anti-Zaitsev preference for LEAST substituted alkene

CC(C)C(Cc1ccccc1)Br Magnify
CC(C)/C=C/c1ccccc1 Magnify

Note: Elimination preference for more stable alkene, which is not necessarily the most substituted. Conjugated alkene is much more stable.

CC(C)C(CC(C(C)C)Br)Br Magnify
CC(C)C(CC=C(C)C)Br Magnify

Note: 1st equivalent of base yields elimination with Zaitsev preference for more highly substited alkene

CC(C)C(CC=C(C)C)Br Magnify
CC(C)/C=C/C=C(C)C Magnify

Note: 2nd equivalent of base yields elimination with selectivity for more stable conjugated alkene

c1ccc(cc1)CBr Magnify C[O-].[Na+] Magnify
COCc1ccccc1 Magnify

Note: Sn2 at primary benzylic halide

c1ccc(cc1)CBr Magnify CO Magnify
COCc1ccccc1 Magnify

Note: Sn1 at primary benzylic halide. Apparent primary carbocation seems disfavored, but resonance at the benzylic position stabilizes it

C(CBr)O Magnify
C1CO1 Magnify

Note: Intramolecular Sn2. 3-ring works to make epoxide

C(CCBr)CO Magnify
C1CCOC1 Magnify

Note: Intramolecular Sn2. 5-ring highly favorable

C(CCO)CCBr Magnify
C1CCOCC1 Magnify

Note: Intramolecular Sn2. 6-ring highly favorable

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