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CCBr Magnify N Magnify
CCN(CC)CC Magnify

Warning: Amines (and ammonia) are good nucleophiles, but are not generally useful for preparing primary amines because of rampant over-alkylation.

CC#N Magnify
CCN Magnify

Note: Primary amines can be prepared by reduction of nitriles.

c1ccc(cc1)[N+](=O)[O-] Magnify
c1ccc(cc1)N Magnify

Note: Primary amines can be prepared by reduction of nitro groups.

c1ccc2c(c1)C(=O)NC2=O Magnify
c1ccc2c(c1)C(=NC2=O)[O-].[Na+] Magnify

Note: Gabriel synthesis of primary amines starts with deprotonation of phthalimide to produce a good nucleophile.

c1ccc2c(c1)C(=NC2=O)[O-].[Na+] Magnify CCBr Magnify
CCN1C(=O)c2ccccc2C1=O Magnify

Note: Gabriel synthesis of primary amines includes a typical Sn2 reaction against an unhindered alkyl halide, using the deprotonated phthalimide as the nitrogen nucleophile. Note that further (over) alkylation is not a problem for this product.

CCN1C(=O)c2ccccc2C1=O Magnify O=S(O)(O)=O.O
(hot, dilute)
CCN Magnify

Note: The final step of Gabriel synthesis of a primary amine is hydrolysis of the phthalimide. This is comparable to hydrolysis of an amide to an amine and carboxylic acid.
c1ccc(c(c1)C(=O)O)C(=O)O Magnify

CC(=O)N Magnify
CCN Magnify

Note: Primary amides can be reduced to primary amines.

CC(=O)N(C)C Magnify
CCN(C)C Magnify

Note: Higher order amides can be reduced to form higher order amines.

CCN Magnify C1CCC(=O)CC1 Magnify

Note: Reductive amination couples amines and carbonyls (aldehydes and ketones). This is essentially a 2-step reaction with initial condensation of the amine and carbonyl to form an imine, which the reducing agent then converts into a secondary amine.

C1CCNC1 Magnify C1CCC(=O)CC1 Magnify
C1CCC(CC1)N2CCCC2 Magnify

Note: Reductive amination with a secondary amine yields a tertiary amine via an iminium ion intermediate.

CC(C)N Magnify
CC=C Magnify

Note: Hofmann elimination of amines to alkenes. Refer to the [Mechanism] for more details on the initial 'exhaustive methylation' of the amine to form a decent leaving group out of a quarternary ammonium salt, followed by E2 elimination by hydroxide ion.

CC[C@H](C)N Magnify
CCC=C Magnify

Note: Hofmann elimination is distinctive for producing the anti-Zaitsev product. In other words, it is regioselective to produce the least substituted alkene.

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