Reactants Reagents Products Help
CC=O Magnify
CCO Magnify

Note: Reduction by addition of hydride ion equivalents

CC(=O)C Magnify
CC(C)O Magnify

Note: Reduction by addition of hydride ion equivalents

CC(=O)O Magnify
CCO Magnify

Note: Reduction by addition of hydride ion equivalent

COC(=O)C1CCC(=O)CC1 Magnify
C1CC(CCC1CO)O Magnify

Note: LiAlH4 is a strong reducing agent that will completely reduce all carbonyls and carboxylic acid derivatives.
CO Magnify

CC(=O)O Magnify
CCO Magnify

Note: In general, a strong reducing agent like LiAlH4 reduces carboxylic acid derivatives to primary alcohols.

CC(=O)N(C)C Magnify
CCN(C)C Magnify

Note: Amides are reduced to amines rather than alcohols.

CC#N Magnify
CCN Magnify

Note: Nitriles are reduced to primary amines instead of alcohols.

CC#N Magnify
CCN Magnify

Note: Primary amines can be prepared by reduction of nitriles.

CC(=O)N Magnify
CCN Magnify

Note: Primary amides can be reduced to primary amines.

CC(=O)N(C)C Magnify
CCN(C)C Magnify

Note: Higher order amides can be reduced to form higher order amines.

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